Individual as well as group training in environmental protection, aimed at clarifying current requirements of environmental legislation and providing specific practical experiences to participants.

We provide courses, training, seminars and webinars mainly on the following topics:Waste management – Waste Act, obligations of waste producers and holders, record-keeping and reporting of waste, waste handling
Water protection – Water Act, obligations of operators of water structures, handling of pollutants
Air protection – Air Act, obligations of operators of air pollution sources, operation record-keeping
Environmental legal requirements – Overview of environmental legal requirements in Slovakia
EIA – Environmental Impact Assessment – Documentation preparation, public participation in the impact assessment process

Current obligations of companies in the field of environmental protection legislation

Current obligations of companies in the field of environmental protection legislation


Date 21.11.2024

Time 8:30 - 15:00

Form online

Day Thursday

Duration 6,5 hours

Capacity unlimited

Current obligations of companies in the field of environmental protection legislation

Current obligations of companies in the field of environmental protection legislation


Date 26.9.2024

Time 8:30 - 15:00

Form online

Day Thursday

Duration 6,5 hours

Capacity unlimited

ISOH 2026 – Waste Recording and Reporting

ISOH 2026 – Waste Recording and Reporting


Date 17.9.2024

Time 13:00 - 14:00

Form online

Day Tuesday

Duration 1 hour

Capacity unlimited

Aktuálne povinnosti firiem v oblasti legislatívy ochrany životného prostredia

Aktuálne povinnosti firiem v oblasti legislatívy ochrany životného prostredia

220 €

Date 20.6.2024

Time 8:30 - 15:00

Form online

Day štvrtok

Duration 6,5 hodiny

Capacity neobmedzená

Aktuálne povinnosti firiem v oblasti legislatívy ochrany životného prostredia

Aktuálne povinnosti firiem v oblasti legislatívy ochrany životného prostredia

220 €

Date 8.4.2024

Time 8:30 - 15:00

Form online

Day pondelok

Duration 6,5 hodiny

Capacity neobmedzená

Aktuálne povinnosti firiem v oblasti legislatívy ochrany životného prostredia

Aktuálne povinnosti firiem v oblasti legislatívy ochrany životného prostredia

220 €

Date 7.3.2024

Time 8:30 - 15:00

Form online

Day štvrtok

Duration 6,5 hodiny

Capacity neobmedzená

Ako vytvoriť ročné ohlásenie v aplikácii

Ako vytvoriť ročné ohlásenie v aplikácii


Date 14.12.2023

Time 13:00 - 13:45

Form online

Day štvrtok

Duration 0,75 hodiny

Capacity neobmedzená

Ako evidovať odpady v aplikácii

Ako evidovať odpady v aplikácii


Date 23.11.2023

Time 13:00 - 13:45

Form online

Day štvrtok

Duration 0,75 hodín

Capacity neobmedzená

Aktuálne povinnosti firiem v oblasti legislatívy ochrany životného prostredia

Aktuálne povinnosti firiem v oblasti legislatívy ochrany životného prostredia

220 €

Date 10.11.2023

Time 8:30 - 15:00

Form online

Day piatok

Duration 6,5 hodiny

Capacity neobmedzená

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Other services that may interest you

We specialize in comprehensive consulting, audits in environmental protection, industrial ecology, and environmental consulting services in waste, air, and water protection.

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