Planned investment projects – constructions, facilities, or other activities with direct and indirect environmental impacts must undergo the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) process according to Act No. 24/2006 Coll.

One of the first obligations of an investor when planning an investment project is to prepare Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) documentation and submit it to the relevant authority (Ministry of Environment of the Slovak Republic or the respective district office). Depending on the operational performance, capacity, and other parameters of the proposed activity, as well as the significance of its impacts, it is necessary to prepare:

EIA - posudzovanie vplyvov na životné prostredie

The purpose of the EIA is to ensure a high level of environmental protection and sustainable development through discovery, description and evaluation of direct and indirect environmental impacts of designed activities.

We offer you complex and expert assessment of environmental impacts of designed structures, facilities or activities and their adjustments in all areas of infrastructure, transport, industry, water and forest management, agriculture, sports and tourism as well as areas of renewable energy.

Our company is recorded on the list of persons with specialist knowledge for assessment of environmental impacts, which is administered by the Ministry of Environment of the Slovak Republic, under the number 51/2010 – PO – OHPV.

What will you gain?

Complex implementation of the EIA procedure of your project on high expert level.

EIA documentation processed in accordance with effective legislation by specialists with many years of practice in the field.

Representation in the whole EIA procedure in front of the state administration bodies.

Assistance and help with communication with the involved public.

Proposals and specific measures for reducing the estimated negative environmental impacts of the designed activity.

Estimated price

from €800

It depends on the scope of the consultancy provided

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Additional services that may interest you

We specialize in comprehensive consulting, audits in environmental protection, industrial ecology, and environmental consulting services in waste, air, and water protection.

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